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Links to my completed projects appear below, organized by game system and listed in reverse chronological order. However, I can only provide a link to online store listings for my Shadowrun e-books and Pathfinder 2E work. Email me if you want a writing sample from those.

Dungeons & Dragons: 4th Ed. Projects

A horrific monster driven by an insatiable hunger for flesh and souls. Part 5 of the Arctic Monsters series.

A very strong, very tough and very dumb animal native to the arctic. Part 4 of the Arctic Monsters series.

A swift, vicious pack predator which can transform into a gust of wind to outmaneuver its prey. Part 3 of the Arctic Monsters series.

A gigantic polar bear whose ability to transform into a blizzard makes it unnaturally stealthy for its size. Part 2 of the Arctic Monsters series.

The indigenous human inhabitants of the arctic, as unforgiving of frailty and weakness as their harsh homelands. Part 1 of the Arctic Monsters series.

A powerful warrior joined to a liquid metal parasite which turns his body into a living weapon - and a slave to its bloodthirsty whims.

Pathfinder First Edition Projects

A legendarily deadly sandstorm guided by a predatory beast at its core. Part 5 of the Desert Monsters series.

A mysterious serpentine construct made of toughened glass that prowls the desert wastes, devouring anything it comes across. Part 4 of the Desert Monsters series.

Large, predatory, beetle-like insects that travel across the desert in swarms of thousands. Part 3 of the Desert Monsters series.

Spawned from the corpses of desert travelers who died of dehydration, these zombies desperately seek out fresh blood in a futile effort to quench their eternal thirst. Part 2 of the Desert Monsters series.

A stealthy, venomous snake which paralyzes its victims and devours their hearts. Part 1 of the Desert Monsters series.

NOTE: The stats in the Blood Snake article are for D&D: 4th Edition; I switched to Pathfinder after the article ran. The Pathfinder stats for this monster can be found at the end of the Ever-Thirsting article linked above.

Pathfinder Second Edition Projects

Guns & Gears
at the Paizo webstore

Guns & Gears

A book of steampunk-style fantasy technology for Pathfinder Second Edition. My contributions consisted of the following Utility Gear items: Aquarium Lamp, Clockwork Disguise, Clockwork Diving Suit, Holy Steam Ball, Light Writer, Nightbreeze Machine, Steamflight Pack, and Timepiece (Desktop Clock and Grand Clock).

Shadowrun Projects

Lethal Forces

In this e-book adventure, a team of runners is tasked with breaking into a top-secret magical research lab. What they find in the facility forces them into both a fight for their lives and a moral dilemma with no easy way out.

"A Run in the Woods" (short story, featured in the sourcebook Howling Shadows)

A group of shadowrunners trudge through a northern Michigan forest to infiltrate a corporate facility, but the woods hold some nasty surprises that may end their mission before it truly begins.

"Justice for Hire" (short story, featured in the sourcebook Hard Targets)

A shadowrunner team works together to eliminate a racist Knight Errant captain before he can be promoted and spread his hatred throughout the entire Seattle Metroplex.

The Assassin's Primer

An e-book that looks at the tactics, mindsets, and ethics of "lone wolf" assassins in the Shadowrun universe.

Convention Games

This section contains material I've written for some of my convention games. I don't plan on putting all of my convention games here, just the ones I consider my best work and the ones I had the most fun writing and/or running. They're arranged in reverse chronological order and alphabetized by game system within each year. I've also included a little "behind the scenes" information about each project.

Rick and Morty: Ricksourcing the Revolution
System: Genesys
Conventions: Gen Con 2018 and U-Con 2018

I got the Genesys core rulebook as a Christmas gift in 2017, and it didn't take me long to realize that it was an incredibly versatile system that could be used to create just about any game in any genre I could think of. With that in mind, I got the idea to create a convention adventure set in the universe of Rick and Morty, one of my favorite shows.


I knew that the fun and humor of this adventure wouldn't come from trying to re-create the unique dynamics between the show's main characters, but rather from immersing my players in the crazy world that we've seen the titular duo explore throughout the show's (so far) five seasons. At the same time, I wanted the players to feel a connection to the established characters so that they felt like their characters were important and not just generic extras in the universe. With that in mind, I made the characters members of Rick's anti-Galactic Federation resistance group so that they would get their mission briefing from the mad scientist himself (which incidentally allowed me, as the GM, a chance to play and voice Rick for a little while, which I greatly enjoyed).

The backstories for the pre-generated player characters (in the "Notes" section of their character sheets) are written as though they were dossiers Rick had written up. All images in those sheets came from from Rickipedia, the Rick and Morty wiki (

The adventure text. I wrote this for my own use, so it's just a Word file converted into a PDF; no fancy formatting or anything.

A Bird Person, but not the Birdperson; a face/social adept type character with Birdperson's blunt speaking style, which I thought would make for a funny combination.

A melee-focused combat character out for revenge on his former employer, the Galactic Federation. Member of Gearhead's - sorry, Revolio Clockberg Junior's - species.

A member of the most common species in the Galactic Federation, who managed to break away from the government only to be called on to infiltrate and spy on that government.

A PhD student who thought he knew it all, until he saw Morty Junior's rampage (in "Raising Gazorpazorp") and realized how untrue that was. Now works with Rick's resistance group so he can explore the multiverse.

An adrenaline junkie who became a laser gun-toting mercenary to get his fix. A member of Blim Blam's species (the imprisoned alien from the episode "Auto Erotic Assimilation").

A rare example of a Zigerion who isn't a scammer. Instead, he has grand ambitions of being the greatest hacker that ever lived.

Buried Sins
System: Rogue Trader
Conventions: Marmalade Dog 2017 and Gen Con 2017

This adventure originated from, of all things, the first trailer released for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 back in 2016. Seeing that trailer reminded me of the interpersonal dynamics that made the first movie so much fun. That gave me an idea: why not try to recreate that dynamic in an RPG? A dysfunctional group of player characters stuck on a ship and forced to work together to save the world/galaxy/whatever seemed like great fodder for an RPG adventure. From there, it was a short hop to the only system I could think of in my collection that had a ship for the PCs to get stuck on: Rogue Trader.

Since this is the 40K universe, I knew I would need to make the overarching threat challenging the player characters epic in scope. I decided early in the writing process on a planet-killer ship being the big threat, and the long-dead Eldar Empire seemed to be the perfect origin for such a ship. Originally the enemies were going to Rak'Gol raiders who had discovered the ship, realized what they had on their hands, and decided to raise as much hell as they could with this powerful new toy. However, such a simplistic mindset behind the carnage seemed like a colossal waste of story potential, so I decided to change the enemies to Dark Eldar, led by an archon with a megalomaniacal plan to break Slaanesh's grip and recreate the decadent Eldar Empire.

The characters were a bit more of a challenge to create. I wanted the party to be comprised of characters that were at odds with at least one other character so that there would be drama between characters, but also on good terms with at least one other so that nobody was completely alienated or isolated. Making that happen and making each character's history make sense on its own was probably one of the biggest challenges I've faced as a writer/gamemaster, but it was a fun challenge.

The last part of the equation was the player characters' ship. In keeping with the "underdog" theme of Guardians of the Galaxy, I wanted to make the ship a small one - after all, would the attack on the Dark Aster in the movie have been nearly as exciting if the Milano were even a tenth the size of the big bad's ship? However, I decided to give the ship one decent weapon to both give the player characters a fighting chance and give them a convenient way to create a hull breach through which they could board the planet-killer during the final battle.

Note: The player character files below only contain the characters' backstories and profiles, not their stat sheets.

The adventure text. Again, since I wrote this for my own use, it's just a Word file converted into a PDF.

The backstory and fluff for the player characters' ship, the Cobra-class destroyer Freedom of Thought.

Rogue Trader and captain of the Freedom of Thought. An explorer and free-thinker who never fit in with the strict, willfully ignorant society of the Imperium of Man.

Sole Navigator aboard the Freedom of Thought. An arrogant and pampered noble thrust into a situation and a role they're extremely unhappy about.

A gun-loving ork who joined up for the chance to take apart alien weapons after taking apart their owners.

Arch-Militant and Weapon Master of the Freedom of Thought. A flamboyant zero-G duelist who seeks new challenges in the form of xenos foes.

Sole Astropath aboard the Freedom of Thought. An angry, bitter psyker who has few friends outside Captain Shepard - but that one connection makes the Freedom of Thought the closest thing they've had to a home.

Void Master and Master Gunner of the Freedom of Thought. An unfairly discharged ex-Imperial Navy officer who has found new purpose thanks to Captain Shepard, and who has repaid that gift with undying loyalty.

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